Leave A Legacy

It is a story forever etched into the history of Carson-Newman.

In the wake of the Civil War, the University was in grave financial stress. Newly elected as the institution’s seventh president in 1869, President Jesse Baker began an arduous journey – traveling more than 3,500 miles on horseback to raise funds to secure Carson-Newman’s future of educating generations of students. The saddlebags in which he kept receipts and money raised from his historic ride remain in the University’s Archives.

Fast forward to 2019 when a 1820s-era cabin was discovered and later determined to be Baker’s former home – the place he resided before, during and after his presidency. Following the donation of the structure to Carson-Newman, the University committed to preserving an astounding part of its history. Fully restored, the cabin now stands on campus, honoring a president’s legacy of preserving Christ-centered education at Mossy Creek.


One word. Just six letters. But it carries such a powerful meaning. It permeates the depth of years, even generations. 

Jesse Baker’s story is a legacy to Carson-Newman, and an important one. But it is just one in a storeroom of legacies left.

Legacy means something given, passed on, from an ancestor or previous generation. It could be many things. A tradition, a culture, a recipe, a way of life, finances for that way of life.

Through more than 170 years, many legacies have shaped what started as Mossy Creek Baptist Seminary and now stands as Carson-Newman University. Some of those legacies not only have influenced the institution as it has molded tens of thousands of graduates from more than 60 countries but has literally helped it survive.

We still award scholarships today that were started 50 or even 60 years ago, giving students a chance to attend a school they otherwise may not have been able.

Numerous people leave legacy gifts, even leave Carson-Newman in their estate, contributions that live on for decades after we do.

Giving to the endowment. Starting an endowment. Giving toward construction of a new facility or academic program or helping update a current one. Helping upgrade facilities for our Eagle student-athletes or providing a gift to help them compete on a higher level.

It all is a legacy. What will your legacy be?


  • Carson-Newman Fund

  • Cash

  • Securities (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds)

  • Life Insurance Policies

  • Real Estate

  • Tangible Personal Property

  • Retirement Plans

  • Wills/Estates

For more information on how to leave your legacy, please contact the Carson-Newman University Office for Advancement at officeforadvancement@cn.edu